Child welfare within Launton Youth FC
Gareth Gould
Welfare Officer
Dawn Nash
Welfare Officer
Launton Youth FC is committed to ensuring all necessary steps are taken to protect children and young people who participate in football at all levels. The club has a duty of care that ensures everyone has the right to participate in football in an enjoyable and safe environment.
We are the designated Child Welfare Officers for Launton Youth Football Club.
We work with the County FA Welfare Officer to promote the FA’s Respect Programme and to develop knowledge and awareness on child safeguarding.
If you have any concerns at all, whether you are a player, parent, manager or friend, please do not hesitate to contact Gareth on 07739 989101 or Dawn on 07766 548844 via a phone call, SMS or a WhatsApp.
Any concerns, suspicions or allegations will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and confidentially.
An introduction to Safeguarding children
Safeguarding: Dealing with Concerns
Points of contact (outside the club)
The FA / NSPCC 24 hour Helpline
0808 800 5000 (deaf users can text phone 0800 056 0566)
The FA Safeguarding Children Enquiry Line
0845 210 8080
Think you know (internet safety)
Child Line
0800 1111
Child Protection in Sport unit
0116 234 7278/7280
Victim Support
08 08 16 89 111